
Tomato Production is one of the programs identified by Averson Group to be significantly transformed and form one of the agricultural initiatives of the development program. Currently, adhoc local markets exist without any access to larger regional or even international markets.

Averson Group will incubate processes and handling techniques, provide youth and farmers opportunities in this segment at the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) site to streamline and scale up production levels that will open up new markets. Aspects will include mechanization, irrigation, training, food science, and food processing production automation to ignite a profitable agricultural segment based on tomatoes.

Once processes, techniques, and  growing patterns have been optimized at the ADC site, additional sites, farmers:  including youth starting farmers will be launched across the region to expand production levels to support the market volumes needed for sustained profitable business.

Using our international contacts and experience, Averson Group will work to facilitate the opening of new markets for tomato products in and outside of Nigeria, and arrange for long term supply contracts to improve the stability and economic life of Benue State  communities.

Tomato Processing


Tomato Field Growing