ADC – Agro Processing

The Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) of Benue State has its ups and downs over its life of over 30 years.  From its past history, good lessons can be learned, repeating mistakes can easily be avoided, and the future can now be focused on success and results.  Today, and for nearly the past decade ADC properties and sites have slowly dwindled.  Nevertheless, even as many ADC sites may be silent today, Averson Group believes they remain a high value “gemstone” in the Benue State;  just waiting for the right skills, leadership and business practices to ignite agricultural and economic opportunities for farmers and food production for local and export markets.

In partnership with Averson Group’s local sponsors and Partners, and with the guidance of the Benue State Government’s Ministry’s of Agriculture and Industry, Averson Group is initiating a full relaunch of ADC with a renewed spirit of  restoration and dramatic expansion.

The original mandate of ADC 30 years ago still holds true and aligns today with Averson Group’s Vision and Goals for Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation across the Benue State.  This includes incubating new markets, launching agricultural innovations, assisting farmers in leveraging new technologies, providing farmers stable financing choices, increasing farmer production and participation in cooperatives to support new high volume food processing targets, launching food processing facilities of scales that can make an impact,  and then linking the high potential of Benue State farms and production output directly to export markets.

Revitalizing ADC will be a success when combined with the AversonGroup’s guiding business and development principals     With the proper selection of the required skilled qualified leaders and employees, invigorating technologies, investment capital, transparent financial reporting,  excellence in business practices, insuring compensation and steady pay for results, profit sharing with farmers and cooperatives, combined with strong youth engagement and empowerment, youth investment opportunities, and business training.  All  of these actions are envisioned to  be initiated, launched, demonstrated and then closely measured and improved further in an actual series of agricultural projects starting at the ADC.   As each matures they will be scaled up across Benue State to achieve goals of production levels needed to support a robust supply chain for the food processing industry  Averson Group is launching across Benue State.

Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC): Agricultural Production, Mechanization, Processing, Engineering and Co-operatives (ADC-APM-PEC).

(1A). ADC – Agric. Production, Mechanization, Irrigation, Engineering and Co-operatives (ADC-APMIEC)

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